Sunday, January 18, 2015

Thankful for Thanksgiving

So I figured it would be better to post about Thanksgiving late than never so here it is!
I was fortunate enough to have 5 whole days off for the glorious holiday. I have a cousin and grandparents in St. George, so we payed them a visit. Unfortunately, I had finals the following week so I had to study a majority of the time.  We stayed with my cousin at my uncle's house. The house was on a beautiful golf course, which was so unbelievably peaceful after living in a busy city. We really enjoyed spending time with my grandparents, cousin, and my brother who drove down to join us for the festivities. We saw the Mockingjay, played videogames, went hot tubbing, out to eat, and enjoyed one another's company. 

Apparently I accidentally cut out the golf course, but look at those mountains!

We went to the top of St. George where there were some cool rocks to climb on, plus this great view of the town.

The guys had some man time and went off shooting. Not my thing but they had a good time!

Here's the Thanksgiving crew, out to lunch in a fun park.

The park had a carousel  so naturally we had to get a picture with it.

My grandparents live right by the LDS St. George Temple, so it was fun to see that as well.

All in all, it was a great trip! Thanks to Devin who drove down to see us, Matt who was our gracious host, and to Nana and Poppy for Thanksgiving dinner and for everything!
Images by Freepik